We’re excited to present our first video! In Jack Eats Too Fast, our friend Jack learns how to behave a bit more sanely in the face of a full bowl of food. Does your dog eat fast?
Jack has a history of inhaling his food, and that can be unhealthy for lots of dogs. Eating too much too fast can cause some dogs to vomit, a severely distressing event for us and for them (although they tend to just re-eat the mess anyway). But for many breeds of dogs, eating quickly can put them at risk of “bloat”. Bloat is a condition where large quantities of digesting food make the stomach fill with gas, and potentially twist, which can cause necrosis and death (bad things!). Does your dog eat fast?
Fast eating can be a sign of stress or anxiety. Some dogs who are manic eaters may progress to guarding their food from other dogs and people, which can be a real relationship killer. So teaching dogs to eat more slowly has real upsides and no downsides.
Some people use “slow-bowls”, which are dog bowls with weird bumps and crevices in the bottom that make it difficult for the dog to actually consume the food very quickly. But many dogs continue to eat just as fast; it just takes them longer to get all the food down!
Teaching dogs to eat at a more reasonable rate eliminates the need for slow-bowls, and may help reduce the stress the dog feels when he’s hanging around a bowl of food.
Click here to enjoy Jack Eats Too Fast!
Admittedly, Jack’s problem is not too bad, and not at all complicated. Does your dog eat way too fast? Barf up his food during or after eating? Get upset, angry or aggressive if anyone approaches when he’s eating? We can help you fix that! And your dog may be able to star in our next little video! Contact us at [email protected] and we’ll tell you how!
We still need video clips for an upcoming production. This one deals with the thorny problem of how to get your dog to take a pill. We’re looking for all your creative solutions for hiding pills in food to make the medicine go down, in the most delightful ways! If you’d like to submit a clip, please click the link below to view the guidelines and view a sample. So get out your smartphone and start shooting some video!