Dog Behavior Problems
Hi, I’m Gracie. I’ve lived with Barbara for quite some time now, and we’ve learned a few things from each other.
One BIG thing I’ve learned is how nutty you people get when things don’t go your way. Fortunately, most of us dogs would rather just let you have your way and keep the peace (keeps the kibble flowing, know what I mean?). Unfortunately, dogs and people don’t always communicate together so well. The good news is that there’s a lot we all can do to make things work better! With Barbara’s help, I’ve written some pages to help, so you can get with your dogs and get things all sorted out.
We’ve listed out some of the most common stuff here,
but if you think of anything else we need to address, just write me here at [email protected] and we’ll work something up for you.

Training professionally since 1985. Founded BADDogsInc LLC in 2004, specializing in the family companion dog practice, with a secondary concentration in rescue and shelter dog rehabilitation.

Dog Manners C.L.A.S.S

The Puppy Club

Better Than Bootcamp
What Our Clients Say
Hear from the happy clients who support BADDogs Inc as a staple of the Corona, CA community.

“My husband and I were at our wits’ end when we got our 6-month old puppy. She jumped up on us, on the windows outside, and was nipping at our clothes and hair. She was wild and rambunctious indoors and outdoors, she chewed on everything in sight, and she wasn’t house-broken. ..”
Janet and Scott Hensley

I thought Chubbs would never be potty trained. I tried to train her with all the techniques I read about. I was able to potty train my older pup so why not my new one? After months of accidents and frustrations I called Barbara. She came to my house and showed me the best way for me and little Chubbs…”
Marissa and Chubbs

“I write to introduce and recommend Barbara Davis, a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), certified by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC), and also a Certified Pet Dog Trainer (CPDT), certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers…”
Liz Ivany
Titles and Professional Associations

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We love our clients! Send us your questions and we’ll happy to help!