
Puppy pitbull sitting under lease

Professional Dog Training in Fontana, CA

— BADDogs Inc

Discover the art of refined dog behavior with BADDogs Inc, a leading name in professional dog training in Fontana, CA. At the helm is our founder, Barbara Davis, a seasoned expert with an unwavering commitment to perfecting dog behavior. Our mission? To sculpt well-mannered, confident, and joyful dogs that seamlessly blend into families and society. Experience the profound bond that a well-trained dog can bring to your life.

Contact BADDogs Inc to learn more about our professional dog training services in Fontana, CA.

Our Popular Dog Training Classes in Fontana, CA

Every dog is one of a kind, and we understand that their training needs are as diverse as their personalities. That’s why BADDogs Inc proudly presents a range of popular dog training classes, meticulously designed to cater to the unique requirements of dogs and their devoted owners.

Discover our flagship programs that have garnered rave reviews from Fontana’s dog-loving community:

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Dog Manners C.L.A.S.S.

Our Canine Life and Social Skills (C.L.A.S.S.) program focuses on building real-life skills through a positive reward-based system. It’s a one-of-a-kind experience designed to create a fun and educational journey for both you and your furry friend. Expect a transformation that goes beyond obedience, enriching your dog’s overall behavior and mindset.
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The Puppy Club

Early socialization is crucial for a well-adjusted and confident dog. The Puppy Club, designed for puppies aged eight to 20 weeks, focuses on socialization and obedience skills. Join this activity-filled playgroup to provide your puppy with the best possible start to a fulfilling life.
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Better than Bootcamp

Our Better Than Bootcamp program offers a superior alternative to traditional dog boot camps. Designed for comfort and effectiveness, this specialty training program provides a safe space for your pet to learn essential skills while enjoying the company of other dogs. Under our expert supervision, your dog will develop the manners and obedience necessary for a harmonious life.

Why Professional Dog Training Matters

Professional dog training is not just a luxury but a vital investment in your canine companion’s well-being and your relationship with them. At BADDogs Inc, we emphasize the significance of expert training for dogs of all ages and breeds.
Here’s why professional dog training matters and how it can positively impact your furry friend’s life:

Unleash the Best in Your Canine Companion with BADDogs Inc

Transform your dog’s life with BADDogs Inc’s exceptional dog training programs in Fontana, CA. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your dog’s behavior or improve their socialization skills, BADDogs Inc is your partner in this rewarding journey.

Contact us today to start unleashing the potential within your four-legged friend.

Puppy Pitbull riding a scateboard
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